After the front man was in rehab for getting illegal substances ,this week the third album of Keane , Perfect Symmetry came out in the market. The musical content is pretty much independent and has received many good critiques about the visual content. Osang Gwon and Rob Chenery were the responsible for developed the creative idea. Here are some of the pics for the album, pretty good!
I was surfing on the net and i found this pretty funny site. is a site in charge of findings pics with miskates. Photoshop is a program to manipulate images according to their purposes, but if you dont put enough attention on the images , you can get a horrible pic
This strategy was developed in my precious Mexico Shitty by one of the biggest ,Ogilvy. It was developed a lot of stickers in form of a hand, they were placed behind the cars in parking lots. To be honestly is pretty funny and it gets really the insgisht of the audience
Mini cooper is one of the most fashion cars in the automobile industry. So many people desire to have one for his unique design and funky mood. I just love the car, even tho is pretty small. One of key components for the succes of Mini , the advertising desinetly. The mood of the car fits perfect in advertising to dare to do new and innovative things. Here is a few examples.
Late of the Pier are an English four-piece band from Castle Donington, currently signed to Parlophone Records. They have released five singles to date (Space and the Woods/Heartbeat, Bathroom Gurgle/VW, The Bears are Coming the re-recorded album version of Space and the Woods, teamed with Focker for a double A-side and Hearbeat). Their album "Fantasy Black Channel" was released on 11th August, with the album version of "Heartbeat" released a week prior to it. They have garnered a large teenage fanbase from night clubs such as All Ages club, Filthy Few, Pat and Trevor, Death Disco, Transparent. They even played the first ever Underage Festival, in August 2007.This is his second single heartbeat. Amazing keyboards like 80´s style.
Yes people, there is going to be finally a third album of The Killers. They are always surprising with new track and good tunes for everyone. We have to accept the killers music is pretty much for every taste. The new album is coming out on November 25 and their new single is hitting every single radio statio, the name is "Human"
Excellent strategy! Low budget,deep impact ,brilliant idea. In order to promote "The L world" , the advertising agency developed kiss stickers with doble face. They were place in the collar of blouses at the Cleaning service. So when the girls where trying to pick up their clean and iron blouses , they get their laundry with the stickers. Pretty Smart.
Under the same platform of "Mixing is good" the agency Euro RSCG did a TVC called Collage and it was filmed at Montevideo . The theme or creative idea is getting a deeper connection between the beverage and the consumer. The commercial will be in the cinemas and open TV. The production really get the creative idea of what they are trying to create with the communication. I think its pretty good.
If you hate the place that you work , it must be for the type of persons you work with, may be because its a horrible place, or because you boss is such a pain in the ass. It´s mandatory to have a nice enviroment at your office in order to have a good productivity , you have a to create a place of work where all of your employees feels confortable and happy working. These facts are just exactly what google is doing!. I know everyone has seen the photos of google offices. I just wanted to bring the topic up, i dont think there is an org. like that in the world. The offices and services the employees have is amazing, they have from, hair stylist, pet hair stylist, pool, jacuzzi, volleyball area, dinning room, massage area and tons more . Here are some of photos , check this out.
You certantly have seen this commercial in the Tv. Some people might like it and some people hate it. The thruth is the lyric really fit in the promotion for Puma new shoes. Plus, the song its quite accurate for the mood of the brand. For another part, a lot of people is wondering whats is going to happen with Puma in a near future , if you dont know , Salma Hayek is the new owner for this sports brand, his husband gave the brand as a gift to her (hahahahahahaahhaha). Is she going to be a good CEO, does she might have any vision for short and long term for the brand?, Does she will take Puma to the top of mind?. The answer is i dont think so , she barely knows how to speak english and she has been in America more than than 15 years. Well what do you expect , she is a goldigger!!
A guerilla campaign in order to promote Nivea Sun Range. This strategy took place the last summer in Dubai. They placed 50 see through umbrellas for free. The people were curious about what the umbrella was about. Prtty unique piece! The copy was Nivea Sun-all the protection you need
A real foosball with real people. This strategy was created to raise the audience of Hong Kong citizens for the Euro 2008. A real clever BTL strategy placed inside of Malls. I like like like li!
3M Mexico made for second year a strategic alliance with the Museum of Mexican Design MUMEDI, the contest was about artistic expresion , the goal is to reach and push forward the development of creativity, art and culture in our country.
Arte Inn is a coorporate project of 3M Mexico, the challenge is to gather artist, designers, students, and professionals interested in the topic. This expirience invites to everyone to create new thing into an urban ambient, sculptures of a fantasy world where all of the invisible come visible. Pretty surreal to be honest.
The last year 3m did the challenge with Post-it products but this year they decided it to do it with Scotch(another brand). The requirement in order to participate , the pieces of art must be cover of this magic tape Scotch and in the interior they can put whatever they want. Plus, they have to be located in some point of the city. Here it is, one video showing how the artist work in this project. Pretty interesting to be honestly. Im very glad that an org so conservative as 3M decide to take over this type of contest in order to create a culture surround their products.
Guerilla marketing stands for a unusual way to promote or advertise any given product/service. This tool of marketing can create an alternative reality embracing the product, any given effort is in pro of a certain goal. As a matter of fact, guerilla advertising develop a different approach with the consumers because the target dont see coming the strategy. Guerilla makes a perfect combination of an image in the target making a word of mouth type of campaign. One of the major keys of these approaches is where to allocate the strategy , it has to be in a place where your target is exposed, or at least massive places. For example for Dexter, the series that everyone is talking about, the ad agency create fake pop-up news stands in heavily trafficked public spaces in cities across America including New York (positioned right by Central Park), Philadelphia (at 30th Street train station), Los Angeles (outside the Kodak Theater), Chicago (in the financial district) and San Francisco (Union square).
Friendly Fires are an English band from St Albans, Hertfordshire. They are currently signed to XL Recordings. Their self-titled debut album was released on 1 September 2008. Friendly Fires met at school in St Albans. Aged 14 they formed their first band, a post-hardcore outfit[2] which existed until they began university. During this time lead singer Ed Macfarlane released his own music (under his own name) through the electronica label Skam, and Precinct Recordings. Upon leaving university they formed a new band inspired by dance music, "lush shoegaze melodies"[3], and classic pop songwriting[3]. The name Friendly Fires originates from the opening track of the Section 25 LP Always Now. The band consider German techno label Kompakt, Carl Craig and Prince to be their greatest influences.
ITs more logical for Google to develop an strategy of making software for cell phones than actually contruct cell phones. The last interest of google is that the people can access to their web services in order to get more revenue for advertising. As a matter of fact this program is going to compete directly with Mobile Windows. Finally, this is another example of how Google is still growing in the tecnology business.
Social networks are the hype in the net nowadays! Either if you want to get closer with your friends who are in another countries,to score or flirt with a girl, or just for fun, social networks are a billion dollar industries in the web. In this times where you spent a lot of time in internet , social networing has become a must for the people, it´s increible how people can meet his/her half orange in these sites. According to a research made of Standford University, two of 10 couples have met in the net . Thats amazing! Well , i wanted to show you this map that shows which social networks have become huge in certain countries. check which one is a must in yours!!!
In a really clever strategy, the ad agency developed an alternative advertising campaing with branded smoking papers. Its incredible how advertisers are more and more looking for new spots to promote their product/services. The people who smoke know they will get the munchies soon. That´s one of the main reasons they are focusing in that segment. Of course its not only for stooners, its for all the people. The way of apporaching this channel certaintly will get good revenues. Cheers for that
In this blog i wont post boring stuff. The purpose of this page is to show interesting and hot things around visual arts, music and design. Im a person who is always reaching for new trends around the globe and thanks to this information revolution i have the pleasure to show you things that will blow your mind.