Tuesday, October 7, 2008


3M Mexico made for second year a strategic alliance with the Museum of Mexican Design MUMEDI, the contest was about artistic expresion , the goal is to reach and push forward the development of creativity, art and culture in our country.

Arte Inn is a coorporate project of 3M Mexico, the challenge is to gather artist, designers, students, and professionals interested in the topic. This expirience invites to everyone to create new thing into an urban ambient, sculptures of a fantasy world where all of the invisible come visible. Pretty surreal to be honest.

The last year 3m did the challenge with Post-it products but this year they decided it to do it with Scotch(another brand). The requirement in order to participate , the pieces of art must be cover of this magic tape Scotch and in the interior they can put whatever they want. Plus, they have to be located in some point of the city.
Here it is, one video showing how the artist work in this project. Pretty interesting to be honestly. Im very glad that an org so conservative as 3M decide to take over this type of contest in order to create a culture surround their products.

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