Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This print ads by McCann Erickson, Warsaw, Poland have been running all over internet. For some websites its a topic of discussion between how the art director turn the things into marvelous graphics. In this blog we are going to discuss in a rational way. I am not saying that this prints are bad, the art work is just wonderful , i like tones in white an blue, and the idea i think it goes deep into the insights of the consumers. Just one thing who the hell told to this guy that the copy was good " Not for everybody" What is that ! Isn't suppose to be more simple and understandable "Not for everyone "
Another thing that i dont get, the idea is pretty clever and its out of the box thinking but the action that the girl is puking music wont miss-understand the audience and will relate it with another kind of music like metal or hard core rock?
So what is the core purpose here, just to show some good art work or to send a concrete message to the audience tha will get it right??

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