I like to show you new trends in visual arts , but i was thinking the other day that i was thinking that all of my efforts focused just in advertisements and music. However , i know that advertising implied so many topics related with visual arts such as art, photography, design , etc. Well this time i will focus more in just photography. I would like you to introduce an amazing artist and photographer. Here in latin america is well known that Argentinians are really good for visual arts. In fact here in Mexico city most of the agencies of advertising and produce houses are full of Argentinians. But im not going to switch the topic, lets cut the chase and introduce this Argentinian Marcos Lopez that create a new wave called "LATIN POP" . If you are just wondering , what the hell is this thing?
Well, he certainly focus in traditional things or iconic statements in Latin America of the daily day , such as traditions , brands , costumes, in order to capture those moments and do as critic to the society.
For another part he has made also some advertising for brands like marithe francois girbaud . One thing that is pretty notable in his kind of pictures using controversy , is the direct influence of one of the greatest advertiser Oliviero Toscani.

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