It depend tho, depends in the way you want to communicate with the audience. For some topics is better to create a concience with your target. I really believe social marketing is one a hell of an effort. Its one of the most difficult things to communicate because you not are talking to consumer or attrack more people into the buying proces. What you are doing is create a concience in order to develop a better world, fighting against deseases, stopping the global warming . Whether the topic you are talking is better to get a deep research in the topic, that will give you more material to develop a whole advertising strategy.
As i was saying before, social advertising its really difficult to crack out, but i think these two prints really communicate in an agressive way the message. Clearly they are saying , if you fuck with a person who has HIV , you are fucking with a horrible animal like a scorpion . The prints really stick you for a while, i really respect the creative that choose that kind of advertising.