Growing up between Detroit, Los Angeles, and New York, Laura Plansker got her start in photography as à child, taking pictures of dolls having tea parties and stuffed animals her backyard in trees from hanging. She continued her passion for photography through college receiving a BFA from The Center for Creative Studies in Detroit Michigan. She spent her fourth year studying in New york through the Alliance of Independent Colleges of Art Studio Program and interning at The Polaroid 20x24 Studio. In conjunction with photography she has spent many years set decorating and constructing miniatures for both film and commercials. It i through this combination of fields that her work has developed into the detailed world of photo-dioramas. Her overwhelming desire to jump the boats at Disney Land rides and live among the animatronic puppets or to climb inside the TV set to explore the worlds of Rankin and Bass'holiday films HA ils been à great influence for creating her own à worlds magical. Laura currently lives in Los angeles and continues trying to create à photo-diorama that one day she might crawl into and never return.

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